It was my fault. I want that to be the preamble to everything I’m about to say. Ok you can continue reading now. My girlfriend and I got...
“To Be Happier Start Thinking About Your Own Death.” This was the headline to a NY Times article from January 9th, 2016. Now I know:...
I get a lot more mail now. Most of them are from the hospital but the best one I get is from my insurance company. It seems to come about...
Going to Wal Mart sucks when you have cancer. I find it horrible under normal circumstances but faced with my own mortality seems to make...
I’ve never really been that competitive. I played at it in high school but it never really meant anything to me. Losing never seemed like...
There is something pleasant about the chemo room. It looks like a nail salon. Seriously. There is row of recliners and people giving you...
Yesterday was my second day of chemo. I get it done every other Wednesday. The first thing that happens on a chemo day are your labs....
Preexisting Condition
I am really happy I have lots of nausea medicine because every time I hear about these proposed replacements for the Affordable Care Act...