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I used to live in Charleston, SC. Which is the most beautiful city in the world according to everyone who has ever been there. The most remarkable thing about the city is the weather. It starts to feel amazing around the middle of February and doesn’t stop being nice until January. I went to college there and I firmly believe it is the hardest school in the country. I’m sure physics at MTA has some challenges, but you should try History 201 at CofC when all your friends are stoned at Folly Beach and when you tell them you have class they call you a pussy.

I bring this up because yesterday was Sunday and it rained. Poured all day and I was so glad. My dad drove down to spend the day with me and we stared out the window and said “I guess we’re staying in.”

It was so wonderful. Having an excuse to do nothing. When the weather is nice I feel like I have to go out there and enjoy it. Plus I’m a member of Generation X. And as a member of Generation X I was highly influenced by Dead Poets Society. As a result, ever since my diagnosis I’ve been tying to Carpe Diem, seize the day, and let me tell you that shit can get exhausting. I imagine if you have all the money in the world carpe dieming can be fun but I’m a little broke right now so it’s hard AF. I’m like “yep I’m just gonna suck the marrow out of life on this park bench.” “Wow the breeze feels amazing! And free!”

Being broke is even having an effect on my bucket list. Instead of ‘seeing the Taj Mahal’ and ‘learning to sail’ mine is ‘saying yes to the guacamole’ and ‘Pick up birding.’

But yesterday it was raining. I got to forget about the tyranny of nice weather. I got to forget about making my life appear Instagram worthy for the day. I was able to lay around and drink coffee and listen to the Cubs game and watch some golf with my dad. Guilt free!

And really…what’s more carpe diem than that?

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